Pat's Blog

Hello all!

I've added my poem and a picture of T'ger. I miss her! But, she was very sick the last two weeks I had her, and she was ready to go. She's waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge with my other furbabies from the past. She will forever remain in my heart!


It is the first day of Summer here and in the mid 80F's here. My flowers have bloomed and I have my vegggie garden planted. My bean pole teepee is up and planted. Now I can rest.

LOL! Big Grin


Latest comments

20.12 | 12:31

Amazing work Pat!!! I never knew!

11.03 | 15:40

Very nice artwork! I really like the Lake Sunset piece. Gorgeous!

01.11 | 23:51

Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing

15.01 | 20:02

Pat, I am relatively new to the Forum. Browsing thru your website. Your talent impresses me, watercolour and photography, esp the glow in morning glories. Tx